
Current Issue

Volume-1, Issue-1, Jan-Jun-2024


Design of Biogas Digester for Small Community of Salalah Countryside, Oman to Support the Lighting and Cooking Electrical Load
Author : Omar Al Gharibi1, Dharmasa Pawar.
Pages :  1-08
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/CJDTES.2024.1101
Citation :Omar Al Gharibi, Dharmasa Pawar Design of Biogas Digester for Small Community of Salalah Countryside, Oman to Support the Lighting and Cooking Electrical Load, Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems, 1(1), 2024, pp. 1-8.


Enhancing the Performance of Optical Hardware through Software Applications: A Study
Author : Rajani. D, Mahesh. B
Pages : 9-26
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/CJDTES.2024.1102
Citation :Rajani. D, Mahesh. B. Enhancing the Performance of Optical Hardware through Software Applications: A Study, Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems, 1(1), 2024, pp. 9-26.


Shaping Radiation with Line Source Antenna for Ramp Pattern Generation
Author : Ravindranath. J
Pages : 27-33
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/CJDTES.2024.1103
Citation :Ravindranath. J. Shaping Radiation with Line Source Antenna for Ramp Pattern Generation, Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems, 1(1), 2024, pp 27-33


Redefining Cataract Diagnosis: Leveraging MobileNetV2-Based CNN for Automated Detection from Fundus Images
Author : A. Sri Nagesh, Popuri Keerthika, Raguthu Dheeraj, Vetcha Sai Manikanta Saketh
Pages : 34-45
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/CJDTES.2024.1104
Citation :A. Sri Nagesh, Popuri Keerthika, Raguthu Dheeraj, Vetcha Sai Manikanta Saketh, Redefining Cataract Diagnosis: Leveraging MobileNetV2-Based CNN for Automated Detection from Fundus Images, Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems, 1(1), 2024, pp 34-45


An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Bi-Cubic Interpolation using Carry Skip Adder
Author : Rao. C. R, Mandal S. K
Pages : 46-57
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55306/CJDTES.2024.1105
Citation :Rao. C. R, Mandal. S.K. An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Bi-Cubic Interpolation using Carry Skip Adder, Ci-STEM Journal of Digital Technologies and Expert Systems, 1(1), 2024, pp. 46-57.